On Feb 15, 2010, at 10:30 AM, Kees van Veen wrote:

> Hi Kevan,
> The attached diff works for me, while still doing the 'stty echo' the exit 
> status of the Java command is preserved, so my script calling deploy.sh would 
> still fail when Java fails, but not when stty fails.
> BTW why not do 'stty sane' (or both), as apparently exiting Java with an 
> exception does not reset the terminal properly ?

Beats me. Hoping that somebody who knows more about shell scripts (which isn't 
saying much) will step in. I think they're distracted by a vacation at the 

Could I ask you to create a Jira -- 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO and attach your patch/diff to 
the Jira? Clicking the "Grant license to ASF" button makes it clear that you 
are licensing your changes to the ASF. Clears up any potential licensing 

Regardless, thanks for your help. Hopefully we'll have this fixed soon.


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