The WADI is still 2.1.1 in both 22 branch and trunk somehow.  If no
objection, I'll upgrade it to 2.1.2.

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Gianny Damour <> wrote:

> Hi Trygve,
> Thanks for your test.
> These warnings indicate that a session replication message was not
> acknowledged within a 2000ms timeframe. The message has not been lost and
> will be processed by back-up nodes as expected.
> Kevan, I just deployed release 2.1.2 of WADI for geronimo 2.2.
> Thanks,
> Gianny
> On 09/11/2009, at 11:38 PM, Trygve Hardersen wrote:
>  Hello again
>> The system has now been running for a few days and I've not seen the hang
>> on startup so I believe the issue has been resolved. Great!
>> I am still seeing some warnings like this:
>> 10:58:49,250 WARN  [UpdateReplicationCommand] Update has not been properly
>> cascaded due to a communication failure. If a targeted node has been lost,
>> state will be re-balanced automatically.
>> org.codehaus.wadi.servicespace.ServiceInvocationException:
>> No correlated messages
>> received within [2000]ms
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.servicespace.basic.CGLIBServiceProxyFactory$ProxyMethodInterceptor.intercept(
>>        at
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.replication.manager.basic.UpdateReplicationCommand.cascadeUpdate(
>>        at
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.replication.manager.basic.SyncReplicationManager.update(
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.replication.manager.basic.LoggingReplicationManager.update(
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.core.session.AbstractReplicableSession.onEndProcessing(
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.core.session.AtomicallyReplicableSession.onEndProcessing(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.clustering.wadi.WADISessionAdaptor.onEndAccess(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.cluster.ClusteredSessionManager.complete(
>>        at
>> org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.cluster.ClusteredSessionHandler.doHandle(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.cluster.ClusteredSessionHandler$ActualHandler.handle(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.cluster.AbstractClusteredPreHandler$WebClusteredInvocation.invokeLocally(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.cluster.wadi.WADIClusteredPreHandler$WADIWebClusteredInvocation.access$000(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.cluster.wadi.WADIClusteredPreHandler$WADIWebClusteredInvocation$1.doFilter(
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.web.impl.WebInvocation.invoke(
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.core.contextualiser.MemoryContextualiser.handleLocally(
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.core.contextualiser.AbstractExclusiveContextualiser.handle(
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.core.contextualiser.AbstractMotingContextualiser.contextualise(
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.core.manager.StandardManager.processStateful(
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.core.manager.StandardManager.contextualise(
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.core.manager.ClusteredManager.contextualise(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.cluster.wadi.WADIClusteredPreHandler$WADIWebClusteredInvocation.invoke(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.cluster.AbstractClusteredPreHandler.handle(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.cluster.ClusteredSessionHandler.handle(
>>        at
>> org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle(
>>        at
>> org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.handle(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.handler.TwistyWebAppContext.access$101(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.handler.TwistyWebAppContext$TwistyHandler.handle(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.handler.ThreadClassloaderHandler.handle(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.handler.InstanceContextHandler.handle(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.handler.UserTransactionHandler.handle(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.handler.ComponentContextHandler.handle(
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.handler.TwistyWebAppContext.handle(
>>        at
>> org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.handle(
>>        at
>> org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerCollection.handle(
>>        at
>> org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(
>>        at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(
>>        at
>> org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest(
>>        at
>> org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection$RequestHandler.content(
>>        at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(
>>        at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(
>>        at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(
>>        at
>>        at org.apache.geronimo.pool.ThreadPool$
>>        at
>> org.apache.geronimo.pool.ThreadPool$
>>        at
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
>>        at
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
>>        at
>> Caused by: No correlated
>> messages received within [2000]ms
>>        at
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.servicespace.basic.BasicServiceInvoker.invokeOnPeers(
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.servicespace.basic.BasicServiceInvoker.invoke(
>>        at
>> org.codehaus.wadi.servicespace.basic.CGLIBServiceProxyFactory$ProxyMethodInterceptor.intercept(
>>        ... 49 more
>> Not sure if I should worry about that.
>> Many thanks for your help!
>> Trygve
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Trygve Hardersen <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Kevan Miller <>
>> wrote:
>> Thanks Gianny. I'd like to see this included in the Geronimo 2.2 release.
>> Can we look for a new WADI release, soon? Once we know the problem is fixed?
>> Trygve, the sooner we get confirmation that your issue is resolved, the
>> sooner we can start finalizing the 2.2 release.
>> --kevan
>> I've now built Geronimo using the 2.2-SNAPSHOT of WADI and installed it on
>> our test environment. No obvious issues so I'll go ahead and deploy this to
>> production either later this evening (EU time) or tomorrow. Then it needs to
>> run for a few days before I can confirm if the issue has really been
>> resolved.
>> BTW I got this on our test system:
>> AS-000:
>> 16:23:17,773 INFO  [TcpFailureDetector] Received
>> memberDisappeared[org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership.MemberImpl[tcp://{-64,
>> -88, 1, 61}:4000,{-64, -88, 1, 61},4000, alive=1814258,id={50 18 86 10 111
>> -47 79 83 -108 -4 82 -8 26 82 -79 -59 }, payload={-84 -19 0 5 115 114 0 50
>> 111 ...(423)}, command={}, domain={74 79 84 84 65 95 87 65 68 ...(10)}, ]]
>> message. Will verify.
>> 16:23:17,897 INFO  [TcpFailureDetector] Verification complete. Member
>> still alive[org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership.MemberImpl[tcp://{-64,
>> -88, 1, 61}:4000,{-64, -88, 1, 61},4000, alive=1814258,id={50 18 86 10 111
>> -47 79 83 -108 -4 82 -8 26 82 -79 -59 }, payload={-84 -19 0 5 115 114 0 50
>> 111 ...(423)}, command={}, domain={74 79 84 84 65 95 87 65 68 ...(10)}, ]]
>> AS-001:
>> 16:23:18,446 INFO  [TcpFailureDetector] Received
>> memberDisappeared[org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership.MemberImpl[tcp://{-64,
>> -88, 1, 60}:4000,{-64, -88, 1, 60},4000, alive=2500759,id={107 -64 91 -23
>> 109 93 75 116 -95 109 110 22 -85 53 -52 85 }, payload={-84 -19 0 5 115 114 0
>> 50 111 ...(423)}, command={}, domain={74 79 84 84 65 95 87 65 68 ...(10)},
>> ]] message. Will verify.
>> 16:23:18,456 INFO  [TcpFailureDetector] Verification complete. Member
>> still alive[org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership.MemberImpl[tcp://{-64,
>> -88, 1, 60}:4000,{-64, -88, 1, 60},4000, alive=2500759,id={107 -64 91 -23
>> 109 93 75 116 -95 109 110 22 -85 53 -52 85 }, payload={-84 -19 0 5 115 114 0
>> 50 111 ...(423)}, command={}, domain={74 79 84 84 65 95 87 65 68 ...(10)},
>> ]]
>> And then:
>> AS-000
>> 16:30:02,576 INFO  [ChannelInterceptorBase] memberDisappeared:tcp://{-64,
>> -88, 1, 61}:4000
>> 16:30:02,577 INFO  [BasicPartitionBalancerSingletonService] Queueing
>> partition rebalancing
>> 16:30:02,600 INFO  [SimpleStateManager]
>> =============================
>> New Partition Balancing
>> Partition Balancing
>>    Size [24]
>>    Partition[0] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[1] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[2] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[3] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[4] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[5] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[6] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[7] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[8] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[9] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[10] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[11] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[12] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[13] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[14] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[15] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[16] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[17] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[18] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[19] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[20] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[21] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[22] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>>    Partition[23] owned by [TribesPeer [AS-000; tcp://]];
>> version [3]; mergeVersion [0]
>> =============================
>> 16:30:02,888 WARN  [TcpFailureDetector] Member added, even though we
>> werent notified:org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership.MemberImpl[tcp://{-64,
>> -88, 1, 61}:4000,{-64, -88, 1, 61},4000, alive=2221072,id={50 18 86 10 111
>> -47 79 83 -108 -4 82 -8 26 82 -79 -59 }, payload={-84 -19 0 5 115 114 0 50
>> 111 ...(423)}, command={}, domain={74 79 84 84 65 95 87 65 68 ...(10)}, ]
>> 16:30:02,889 INFO  [ChannelInterceptorBase] memberAdded:tcp://{-64, -88,
>> 1, 61}:4000
>> AS-001
>> Nothing....
>> There is practically no load on this network. Anyway I'll try this with
>> load and see what happens.
>> Many thanks again!
>> Trygve


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