Thank you for the input.  So basically what you are saying is that the Geronimo 
EJB container will handle the lifecycle of the object "m_anotherEJB" and I do 
not need to be concerned about this object hanging around more than it needs to?

From: David Jencks []
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 2:38 AM
Subject: Re: EJB Life Cycle

I'm not a big java GC expert but...  I think that finalize will only be called 
after the GC has decided your ejb instance is no longer in use.  Whether or not 
the proxy it's holding is still in use will be determined separately anyway.  
My understanding is that generally  "I want to help the GC" code doesn't 
actually help appreciably and mostly gives you more code to install bugs in and 

david jencks

On Mar 22, 2010, at 7:03 PM, Russell Collins wrote:

I have been thinking about best practices with Geronimo.  One of the things 
that I have been thinking about is the life of EJB's inside the EJB container.  
I am wondering if I should be setting used EJB's to null when I am done with 
them or should I just let the container handle it.  Example Code:

public class MyEJB implements IMyEJB

   private IAnotherEJBLocal m_anotherEJB;

  // Do some stuff with m_anotherEJB;

   protected void finalize()
     m_anotherEJB = null;  //  Should I do this or let Geronimo handle it


Should I be including the finalizer code as I have it?  Should I just let 
Geronimo handle the life cycle?  Is there a different/better way to handle 
this?  Any philosophical insight would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Russell Collins
Sr. Software Engineer
McLane Advanced Technology

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