On Dec 15, 2010, at 5:05 AM, KHAksnes wrote:

> Have anybody had success running Geronimo 2.1.x or 2.2.1 in profiling mode
> from Eclipse(Helios)?
> I am trying to profile some of my own code by using the context menu on an
> EAR project, (in the JavaEE perspective)  using Profile As->Profile on
> Server, this fails during when GEP tries to deploy my ears with lots of
> 'AspectJ5 does not weave hotswapped class' exceptions. This is for Geronimo
> 2.2.1 using GEP 2.2.
> My projects consists of several EJBs some of them implementing web services,
> as well as lots of JPA code sprinkled with a few web service calls to
> external (.NET) web services.
> Profiling using Geronimo 2.1.x failed too earlier on, the crash was related
> to WebServiceRef injection, this time the crash happens even earlier.

I've never tried using Eclipse Profiling. From the error message, it doesn't 
sound like it's going to work. Geronimo is going to 'hotswap' classes -- 
there's no avoiding this... You might be able to pre-compile the AspectJ 
profiling support, but I don't know how...

You might want to try different profiling options -- YourKit works, IIRC. I'm 
sure there are many others...


  • Profiling KHAksnes
    • Re: Profiling Kevan Miller

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