On Jan 7, 2011, at 7:05 AM, ivan.vucinic wrote:

> Dear All,
> I have the same problem in Envioroment:
> 1. Windows XP SP3
> 2. Eclipse Helios 3.6.1 ser1
> 3. Apache Geronimo plugin 2.1.7
> 4. Apache Geronimo 2.1.7 running on Windows server 2003 
> 5. JDK
> I am begginer on Eclipse JEE and I just tried to build HelloWorld
> application as Dynamic Web Project   
> !ENTRY org.eclipse.wst.server.core 4 0 2011-01-07 12:48:28.781
> !MESSAGE Could not publish to the server.
> !STACK 0
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>       at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.put(Unknown Source)
>       at
> org.apache.geronimo.st.core.internal.DependencyHelper.getEnvironment(DependencyHelper.java:442)
>       at
> org.apache.geronimo.st.core.internal.DependencyHelper.reorderModules(DependencyHelper.java:109)
>       at
> org.apache.geronimo.st.core.GeronimoServerBehaviourDelegate.publishModules(GeronimoServerBehaviourDelegate.java:243)
>       at
> org.eclipse.wst.server.core.model.ServerBehaviourDelegate.publish(ServerBehaviourDelegate.java:948)
>       at
> org.eclipse.wst.server.core.model.ServerBehaviourDelegate.publish(ServerBehaviourDelegate.java:775)
>       at
> org.eclipse.wst.server.core.internal.Server.publishImpl(Server.java:2889)
>       at
> org.eclipse.wst.server.core.internal.Server$PublishJob.run(Server.java:337)
>       at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54)

I believe this general problem has been fixed in 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMODEVTOOLS-689 and 

You can apply their associated patches and build GEP from source. IIUC, you can 
also work around this problem with the following steps (as described by Janet, 

1. In SampleUtility project, export the project into a jar, e.g., 
2. In SampleEAR project, create a lib folder under EarContent folder, and then 
copy SampleUtility.jar into lib folder
3. In SampleEJB project, add SampleUtility.jar as external JARs in Libraries 
tab of java build path panel
With above changes, the SampleEAR project can be published successfully in 


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