Morten, David,

I think this is a bug.  I opened   to track progress on it.

As a temporary workaround (that I haven't tested for breaking other stuff)  as 
the last thing in your servlet you should be able to call

Subject subject = ContextManager.getCurrentCaller();

which will remove the identity hash map entry.  

Many thanks for identifying this problem!  Actual fixes will probably be 
somewhat different in 2.1 and 2.2 but I expect the above workaround should work 
for either.  Only use it for basic auth though -- it will probably really break 
form auth.

david jencks

On Feb 8, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Morten Svanæs wrote:

> Hi David!
> Ok, thanks for the clarification regarding http sessions, sorry for
> the maybe strange question I'm quite new to Geronimo and ejb security.
> The "server" is a servlet using stateless ejb's. The servlet is
> configured to use http basic as authentication method, we have our own
> login module based on GenericSecurityRealm and SQLLoginModule.
> I'm using a java test client that makes many small http requests
> requests to the server.
> The test client is only connecting as one user.
> The strange memory behavior is only seen after I run the program for a
> while ( I'm running the java program in bash while loop making about
> 500 small http requests :)
> When I inspect the heap dump on start when the client only has run to
> or three times everything seems fine, it's only after 20-50 iterations
> I clearly see that the ContextManger.IdentityHashMap related objects
> dominate and seems to slowly grow.
> When I comment out all security in the web.xml the memory usage stays
> totally stable for many hundred iterations and there is no sign of the
> ContextManager objects.
> To me it seems like something don't get cleaned up properly.
> Is there something a need to do make sure the requests get cleaned up
> after they has been used maybe?
> Regards
> Morten
> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 6:23 PM, David Jencks <> wrote:
>> Hi Morten,
>> I'm not sure why this is happening, it might be a bug.  Just to be sure we 
>> investigate the right context, is this
>> - a servlet
>> - a pojo web service (if so, jaxrpc, jaxws, or something else)
>> - an ejb web service?
>> The ContextManager doesn't have anything to do with http sessions, it is 
>> more concerned with keeping the user identity in a threadlocal during each 
>> request so it is always available for authorization decisions.
>> Thanks for your investigations so far!
>> david jencks
>> On Feb 8, 2011, at 4:51 AM, Morten Svanæs wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm currently having memory problems with a stateless web service
>>> running in Geronimo 2.2.1.
>>> The problem is that after running for a while the server starts
>>> consuming more and more memory, some kind of leak or accumulation of
>>> unwanted objects occur.
>>> After analyzing the heap dumps in mat I can clearly see that the
>>> accumulation happens inside the
>>>'s subjectContexts
>>> IdentityHashMap.
>>> The login happens via http basic and a custom LoginModule looking up
>>> users in the database. The login module is based on the
>>> GenericSecurityRealm and SQLLoginModule.
>>> The service is a standard web servlet running on jetty. The service is
>>> called typically many hundred times a second by the client with stand
>>> http basic auth urls, so there is actually no need for sessions at
>>> all.
>>> It seems like when users log on to the service the
>>> credentials/siubject gets stuck in the subjectContexts hashmap even
>>> though the session timeout is set for 1 sec in the web.xml file.
>>> I've disabled session cookies by using information found here:
>>> I assume this is some kind of misconfiguration on our side and not the
>>> stand. behavior with Geronimo, anyone who can help us point out the
>>> direction for solving this would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Regards,
>>> Netroms Nacoma
> -- 
> Mvh.
> Morten Svanæs
> Mobil: 40478335

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