On 03/29/2011 05:25 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

> I don't know our builder code well enough to have a simple answer for you... 
> You must be using Geronimo 2.2.x, correct?

Dear Kevan,

Yes, sorry that I forgot to mention it in my first post, actually i am
using geronimo 2.2.1 with jetty as servlet container.

> It would be interesting to know what happens on a Geronimo 2.2.x Tomcat 
> server assembly. Also, have you tried with Geronimo 2.1.x?

No I have not tried it yet with another configuration, but at least one
guy seemed to have the same problem, and he switched successfully to tomcat:


I have not yet looked into the TomcatModuleBuilder yet, but I guess the
default servlet may be defined there, while in the JettyModuleBuilder
its an empty set.



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