On Jun 1, 2011, at 7:48 AM, Florian Schaetz wrote:

> Hello,
> by using the attached plan, I added a new JMS topic, works fine. But now, if 
> I set the portOffset in config-substitutions, I always get an exception when 
> starting the server, as it seems, that somewhere is still the old (61616) 
> port configured (see Exception.txt). Could anyone give me a hint what I will 
> have to modify when using a portOffset?

Hi Flo
Stop your server and edit var/config/config.xml:

At the bottom of this file, replace:

    <module name="console.jms/top/1.0/rar"/>


    <module name="console.jms/top/1.0/rar">
      <gbean name="top">
        <attribute name="ServerUrl">tcp://${ServerHostname}:${ActiveMQPort + 

and restart your server.

A geronimo plugin can automatically define the default config.xml contents of a 
module. Making this a reproducible process.

 for an example (adjust version numbers accordingly, if you're using an 
alternate version).


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