I have downloaded and unzipped the Apache Geronimo v3.0-M1

I have started the console. I do not find the DB Manager or the Embedded DB
tab in the menu on the left-hand side of the console.

I do not find debug views either, which I may need.

Incidentally, the plugin screen, using the url
http://geronimo.apache.org/plugins/geronimo-3.0/ and got the response:

Http 400

Problem accessing

    XSSXSRFFilter blocked HttpServletRequest due to invalid FORM content.

The first two things that I brought up are a big problem, the third is
just fyi. I see that derby is there in the folders.
Is there something that I should be installing or a line that I should
be adding to a config file? I find nothing in the
readme. I cannot find the term DB Manager in the documentation online,
except articles which already assume that
it is there. One sentence says "available DB Manager" which makes me
wonder what I need to do to make it available.

This seems like it would be a common problem, but I found nothing
about it on the mailing list either.


Ryan Zoerner

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