
You need to add a new repository to your repositories in maven. If you look
in the pom.xml file in the directory where you are typing mvn, you may find
a list of repositories, possibly in a default build profile. You need to
copy one of them, and replace the data.

The repository where your pom that you are missing is here (maybe):

Now, that is the location of the pom, the repository, you might want to cut
it back to ../server/trunk

for the description and name, just make something up. make sure that you set
snapshots to true and releases to false. I can't really give you much more
information, but if you read the quickstart guide to maven (here:
http://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/index.html ), you will find
what you need, with the exception that maven might not know how to use the
directory structure of this source code repository, I'm not sure, but it
doesn't have a directory structure which matches the package names, such as
plugin, there is 'framework' and org.apache is back in the svn.apache.org.

I hope that what I have written will help.


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