thank you for following up, and sorry for not replying earlier. In
fact the issue for the invalid web.xml was resolved while ago. But the
changes were local on my machine, and when I sent you maven project,
it just got the dependencies from the repo where this issue is still
there. I sent you maven project to make it easy to customize. I will
get back to this issue, this weekend, and will re-upload the correct
EAR file.
Thank you.

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Kevan Miller <> wrote:
> On May 31, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:
>> I was able to create the ear file, and I think I am getting closer to
>> deploy it to geronimo. I am facing this issue, and wondering if there's
>> a way to resolve it without diging the WAR file, and correct the
>> web.xml. I was able to find a similar issue on the mailing list here
>> Hopping I don't need to fix all the war files.
> Hi Mansour,
> Geronimo 2.x validates web.xml deployment descriptors. IIRC, 
> hippo-repository-application is the only war file where there is a 
> non-conformant web.xml.
> FYI, Geronimo trunk is not currently validating deployment descriptors. So, 
> your war should deploy ok on trunk.
> --kevan

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