On Jun 29, 2011, at 4:39 PM, Chris Joysn wrote:

> Hello Kevan,
> this Geronimo server is a cool thing :)
> i think i fixed the issue with the maven, eclipse and run on server issue:
> i activated that the maven dependencies are exported as well at the projects 
> settings.
> but:
> i started with a fresh copy of Geronimo.
> i added a geronimo-web.xml to WEB-INF/ with the content u provided
> and when i deploy the project using the geronimo server adapter nothing 
> happens
> at geronimo. and there is no log message in the geronimo.log file. but the 
> server
> view in Eclipse shows the webapp running and [Synchronized]
> when i undeploy the webapp from the eclipses server view, add the 
> geronimo-web.xml,
> the webapp is deployed again, the logfile says: 
> 2011-06-29 21:51:00,225 WARN  [TomcatModuleBuilder] Web application . does 
> not contain a WEB-INF/geronimo-web.xml deployment plan.  This may or may not 
> be a problem, depending on whether you have things like resource references 
> that need to be resolved.  You can also give the deployer a separate 
> deployment plan file on the command line.
> 2011-06-29 21:51:00,250 INFO  [DeploymentContext] The Strict Manifest 
> Classpath processing mode is in effect.
> This option can be altered by specifying 
> -DXorg.apache.geronimo.deployment.LenientMFCP=true|false
> Specify ="true" for more lenient processing such as ignoring missing jars and 
> references that are not spec compliant.
> and after a while the geronimo console shows the webapp up and running with 
> the name of the context. 
> but i can not access it, tomcat shows a 404 for the context.
> again, not logfile entry besides the warning regarding the geronimo-web.xml...
> when i use the deployer from the geronimo web console and specify the war 
> (containing the geronimo-web.xml) and the geronimo-web.xml as plan, then the 
> webapp appears in the consoles Web App WARs view.
> when i start the web app the web app is shown as running, but the context is 
> not available, Tomcat shows again a 404.
> and, as usual, no log messages regarding the actions deployment, 
> undeployment, why the context is not accessible...
> i dont have an idea whats going on...

Hi Chris,
Do you have a simple project that you can share? At a minimum, it seems that 
there is a deployment failure. And we could be doing a (much) better job of 
communicating the problem. May also be a problem in your app layout. Anyway, if 
you create a JIRA, and attach a zip file of your project. Hopefully, somebody 
can take a look at it...


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