On Aug 18, 2011, at 5:07 PM, Jay D. McHugh wrote:

> Hello all,
> My app which is bundled as an EAR consisting of an EJB jar and a WAR file has 
> been running quite happily in Geronimo for years (it has been in continuous 
> development the entire time).
> But yesterday, it suddenly started to flake out running through a tremendous 
> number of garbage collections when attempting to open some (but not all) of 
> the jsps in the WAR file.  There are so many collections occurring that it 
> sometimes takes several minutes before the jsp gets processed and sent to the 
> browser.
> There is no useful logging that happens so it appears that the problem is 
> occurring somewhere in Tomcat.
> I do have a filter that is configured, but when I put some logging into that 
> - it was not hit until after the GC looping finished.
> Does anyone have a suggestion as to where I could look to figure out what 
> might be going on?
> This is running on an Ubuntu Linux 10.04.3 64bit machine with 6Gb of physical 
> memory and two dual-core hyperthreading processors (so it looks like 8 cores 
> to the OS).
> Here is my JAVA_OPTS variable:
> JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:NewSize=64m 
> -XX:MaxNewSize=128m -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails 
> -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
> With the exception of the garbage collection flags and the 'dump on error' 
> parameters - I have been running with this set up forever.
> Is it possible for the number of classes in my EAR to cause a problem?
> I am pretty much at my wits end - but I have to fix it because it is on my 
> production server and all of my attempts to set up a new system have the same 
> problem.
> Thanks in advance for any hints,

Hi Jay,
Doesn't ring any bells, unfortunately.

How does your GC output look? Are you running low on heap/permgen space? And 
thus spending a lot of time GC'ing as the JVM struggles to keep things afloat? 
Or is something allocating a bunch of objects?

I'd try 'kill -3 <pid>' to see if you can get an idea of what the server is up 

Beyond that, I'd try to post-mortem what has changed. Was there an app update 
that may have triggered this behavior? Network change (that's a stretch). Java 
refresh, etc...


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