Hi John, Shawn,


Thanks for responding - happy to help out.




From: Shawn Jiang [mailto:genspr...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 11 October 2011 08:16
To: user@geronimo.apache.org
Subject: Re: GEP 2.2.1 and Geronimo 2.2.1 Issue


We need to open GEP JIRAs to track these issues.

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Yi Xiao <xiaoyijhondeve...@gmail.com>

Hi Steve,

I have a test with GEP2.2.1 and Geronimo server2.2.1. The GEP2.2.1 has the
problem you describe.

Then, I test it under GEP3.0.0, the problem when you press "start button" is
gone, however, the launch configuration is not persisted neither in GEP2.2.1
nor 3.0.0.

The problem will be fixed later.


Thank you for your issue.


On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Steve Higham <st...@sjlt.co.uk> wrote:



Not sure if this is the right list for a Geronimo Eclipse Plugin issue but I
can't see any other lists mentioned in the online documentation.


I have set up my Geronimo Run Configuration VM Arguments as follows: -


ed" -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m


Note that the -XX:MaxPermSize has been increased to 256m in an attempt to
reduce PermGen memory errors during development. I can close eclipse down
and reopen it and these settings are correctly persisted.


If I start Geronimo from the Run Configurations dialog then the process
starts correctly as follows (ps output): -


steve     3918   0.0  7.2  3560544 301164   ??  S     1:01pm   0:31.63
d -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
-Dfile.encoding=MacRoman -classpath
org.apache.geronimo.cli.daemon.DaemonCLI -long


However if I start Geronimo from the "Start Button" the process starts
incorrectly (MaxPermSize reset to 128m). Furthermore when I go into the Run
Configurations dialog the MaxPermSize value has also been set back to 128m.


steve     4558 176.1  3.6  3336080 151572   ??  R     1:53pm   0:07.67
d -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
-Dfile.encoding=MacRoman -classpath
org.apache.geronimo.cli.daemon.DaemonCLI --long


I'm running on an Apple iMac under OSX 10.6.8. Does anyone know what's
causing this behaviour?


Many Thanks,




Steve Higham




Best regards!


John Xiao



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