Hi Geronimo!  J


I am having issues with my running setup and can't figure out exactly what I
am missing..


In general:

.         I have a system running Geronimo v3 (release), Spring (3.0.5)
JdbcTemplate, connecting to Oracle 11g StoreProcedures.  

.         This system was originally designed for WebSphere 8 but we are
making it platform independent.  

.         We know in WAS8 all is running, and in Geronimo v3 almost
everything is running. 

.         The problem I am having is the unwrap of the native


Most of the debugging activity can be found in a TranQL Jira (but don't go
there yet.):




Short Version:

So far we are seeing the TranQL code is not unwrapping the OracleConnection,
and I was given a new TranQL fix for this. but I don't see the code picking
the new tranql-connector (1.8).  When I look at the class bundle I still can
see 1.7.  L


.         So can you help me decipher why the new correct class is not being

.         Is Oracle Thin ( not compatible with Geronimo v3 and
TranQL from the current release? Or what am I missing?




Jonathan Nazario

Email:   <mailto:jnaza...@autologicco.com> jnaza...@autologicco.com

Work:  (262) 820-9672  x. 232

    Fax:  (262) 820-9674

 <http://autologicco.com/> Description: applus_logo

 <http://autologicco.com/> AutoLogic, Inc




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