Hi there,

Theoretically in Geronimo 3.0, EJB and OSGi bundle can reference each other but 
I have yet found any tutorial after googling quite extensively. The sample code 
I located at 


has an EJB BlogCommentEJB, but it does not seem to be working with Geronimo 
3.0. After much deliberation, I managed to deploy the blog sample on Geronimo 
Server 3.0, but I cannot make the EJB (BlogCommentEJB) part work - the original 
code does not seem to deploy the EJB bundle. The complaint I got is:
INFO  [ReferenceRecipe] Timeout expired when waiting for OSGi service 
Is there something missing in the sample code as it's not specifically written 
for Geronimo? Could someone help pointing me to some (EJB and bundle) sample 

Thank you very much.


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