
I'm currently investigating a legacy application that uses Jencks 1.3/Geronimo 
TM 1.1/Geronimo Connector 1.1 for update and corrections.

I have identified a problem with transactino management between our resources: 
1 local-tx JDBC datasource, 1 xa-tx Jackrabbit repository, 1 no-tx ActiveMQ 
JMS. What should be realized is managing all of them through a single JTA 
global transaction.

I have not found how to enlist 2 XA resources and 1 local resources in the 
same global transaction, using the last resource optimization. I have found 
the JDBCLog and LogXAResource, I think I have understood how they are ment to 
function, but I have not been able tu use them.

Could anyone guide me with this?

Thanks a lot.


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