Hello all,


I am very new to Geronimo hence pardon me if my question sounds silly to you 😊


Basically, I am trying to configure a web app that has an RMI and a REST 
Service, and I want to secure it with SSL. I have the following questions--


(1) From where do I generate the CSR(Certificate Signing Request)?  Also, in 
the screen in Namecheap.com (SSL Cert provider) there is a question asked for 
Type of Server- this has various options like ”Apache + Open SSL”/ “Apache + 
modSSL”/”CPanel”/”Tomcat” etc... Which of these options should I select?

(2) How do I add the generated certificate to Geronimo. Also, where and how do 
I configure the Certifying Authority’s certificates (i.e. CA Certificates)?

(3) How do I add the subdomain under which I want SSL to work-- do I have to 
add this as a virtual host to Tomcat (as per Geronimo Docs)? 

(4) What are the steps to finally deploy my web app to the subdomain with the 
SSL Certificate?


I would be extremely grateful If someone could answer all of the points raised 


Yours sincerely,

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