

I've just changed my development environment from Eclipse Indigo
(eclipse-jee-indigo-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz) to Juno
(eclipse-jee-juno-SR1-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz) running on a mac.


Everything is working fine apart from deployment using the GEP version 2.2.1
which connects to a local Geronimo version 2.2.1. If I export my EAR and
deploy it through the Geronimo web interface it deploys fine. However when I
deploy through GEP I get the exception 


Distribution of module failed.  See log for details.

Cound not open module file:

org.apache.geronimo.common.DeploymentException: Cound not open module file:


The folder "/var/folders/7L/7LLco1TuE7S51ZLsVle-d++++TI/-Tmp-/" exists and
the permissions are fine for the user running eclipse. However there is no
subdirectory matching "geronimo-deployer*". Interestingly there is a file
named "geronimo-deploymentUtil4747880586294864052.tmpdir" whose contents is


Has anyone seen anything like this?


Kind Regards,




Steve Higham


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