
Axis2 community provides an axis2.war for holding web services, so you may
need to deploy the axis2.war downloading from Axis2 web site and deploy it
to Geronimo.

Geronim also ships axis2 to provide JAX-WS support, which is required by
Java EE Spec, you may need to follow the programming model and APIs from
JSR 224 to create/deploy web services in Geronimo.

For the links for configuring Geronimo components, could you explain a bit
for this ? What components do you mean ?


2013/7/13 Thirupathi Rajendran <thirupat...@infratab.in>

> Am New to application server. I have
> installed geronimo-tomcat7-javaee6-3.0.1 Application server to deploy my
> application. I made my application work in Geronimo. I want to know what
> are the components can be configure to Apache geronimo especially Axis2.
> Because I want to use RESTful Http service of Axis2.
> Since I have installed geronimo-tomcat7-javaee6-3.0.1, Axis2 is bundled
> with Apache Geronimo. But I don't know how can I use the Axis2 in my
> application.
> As per the following link I suppose to be able to get access to axis2 by
> http://localhost:8080/axis2, Since axis2 is pre-installed in Geronimo,
> But I can't.
> http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-ag-axis2mig/
> Note: My requirement through application server. I will install two
> application, One application needs to call another application without any
> interaction of user. Means when first application called it would finish
> its computation and invoke the second application through Http request(I
> want it be RESTful Http).
> Also refer me link where I can get good practice on Apache Geronimo
> component configuration.
> I appreciate if you refer me any community or forum for Geronimo to
> discuss about this kind of problems.
> Thanks,
> Thirupathi.


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