Paolo Castagna wrote:
> Sebastian Schelter wrote:
>> I guess that summing up and redistributing the pagerank of dangling
>> vertices can also be done without an extra superstep in an aggregator.
> Yeah! Why didn't I think about that?
> Thanks, great suggestion.
> I am going to give this a go, at first without extending RandomWalkVertex 
> since I want to see how it might work.
> This would also inform design and improvements of the current 
> RandomWalkVertex.

You can find a 'proper' ;-) implementation of PageRank with dangling nodes
support, sum at the end of all PageRank values equals to 1.00 (since it's a
probability distribution) and PageRank values validated against a third party
implementation (i.e. JUNG), here [1].

I have not managed to do it as Sebastian suggested yet.



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