
 I recently started playing with Giraph and I have a few questions.

1. I'm writing a simple spreading activation algorithm which would be
run many times over the same graph with different initial vertices
activated. Doing this as separate jobs in which a potentially large
graph is loaded each time will be slow. Is there a way to run multiple
BSP runs over the same loaded graph? 

2. I might want to normalise the vertex values at the end of a
superstep. I assume I can use an aggregator to get the sum of the values
but I'm not sure where can I update all vertex values before the next

3. On a smaller trivial point: Running within a LocalRunner for
debugging I need to delete the local zookeeper state created in _bsp*
folders otherwise the next run does nothing as its assumes its the same
state and just finishes straight away. What is the local id that is
being used to determine the job state in Zookeeper and is it possible to
set this so each LocalRunner job run is different?



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