Answers inline.

On 10/5/12 1:58 AM, Gergely Svigruha wrote:

I have a few questions regarding Giraph.

1) Is is possible to use Giraph for local traversals in the graph? For example if I want to do some computing on the neighbours of the node with id xy is it possible to get the reference of the xy vertex (or just send a message to it) then send some messages to its neighbours etc, but not do any computation on any other vertices?

In my opinion, this is was Graph DBs are for, not a large-scale batch processing system like Giraph.
2) Is it possible to combine Giraph with HBase or any other DBMS?

Yes, Giraph can use HBase or another DBMS as a backend storage system (see giraph-formats-contrib/src/main/java/org/apache/giraph/format/hbase/)
3) Is it possible to run Giraph on a server continuously after the graph has been built then process several jobs based on request? Or Giraph only can be interpreted in the context of a (one) Hadoop job.

Again, think of Giraph as a batch processing system.

Thanks, and please set me strait if I completely misunderstand something!

Hope this helps!


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