Hello there,
   I recently started reading about Giraph for my Diploma Thesis for
graph computations. So I went in to build and install it. I have
everything configured (Java and Hadoop) but there is an error which
keeps bumping. I used many commands such as mvn test, compile, clean
install or even keep the tests out but no luck. The first Warning says
that it cannot find POM for
org.apache.giraph:giraph:jar:test:0,2-SNAPSHOT because there are some
dependencies missing. Then after the FAILURE message it prints:

Failed to execute goal on project giraph-accumulo: Could not resolve
dependencies for project
org.apache.giraph:giraph-accumulo:jar:0.2-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find
org.apache.giraph:giraph:jar:tests:0.2-SNAPSHOT in
http://repo1.maven.org/maven2 was cached in the local repository,
resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central
has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]

I searched in the mailing issues but no luck there too.
Can you please give me any suggestions on how to fix it?

Thanks in advance!

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