
This is Min Tu and I have created a POC program using Giraph 0.1 successfully.

Currently I am trying to migrate my program from Giraph 0.1 to 0.2 and facing 
this issue:

  1.  Using 0.1 giraph, in my code, I used following code to add the input path:
     *   GiraphJob job = new GiraphJob(getConf(), getClass().getName());

FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(argArray[0]));

  2.  However, in 0.2 giraph, the GiraphJob is NOT extending the 
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job class anymore
  3.  I tried to search the examples package but can not find how to add the 
input to the Giraph job.

Please advise.

Thank for your time and effort.


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