Hello Maja,

Thank you for your reply and link to the issue.
I last updated the code this week, and do infact have that issue checked-out in 
my local copy of the source.  My compiled jar file of giraph-core is dated Feb 
18th (three days ago).

I will do another update from Git very soon and build and test again to be sure 
that the fix is in place and report back if the behavior changes.

Thank you,

From: majakabi...@fb.com
To: user@giraph.apache.org
Subject: Re: Waiting for times required to be 19 (currently 18)
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 17:48:24 +0000

Hi Nate,

When did you take the new Giraph code? Please check if you have GIRAPH-506 
patch in, if not that's probably the reason for the issue.


From: Nate <touring_...@msn.com>

Reply-To: "user@giraph.apache.org" <user@giraph.apache.org>

Date: Thursday, February 21, 2013 8:06 AM

To: "user@giraph.apache.org" <user@giraph.apache.org>

Subject: Waiting for times required to be 19 (currently 18)

I recently upgraded older Giraph code built against CDH3 to a git checkout from 
a few days ago that builds against CDH4.1.0 (MRv1) libraries.  All of the 
Giraph tests pass.

When running my Giraph job with 20 workers, I usually get the above error in in 
19 map processes:

org.apache.giraph.utils.ExpectedBarrier: waitForRequiredPermits: Waiting for 
times required to be 19 (currently 18)

One map worker always shows something like:

org.apache.giraph.comm.netty.NettyClient: waitSomeRequests: Waiting interval of 
15000 msecs, 1 open requests, waiting for it to be <= 0,and
 some metrics ....

org.apache.giraph.comm.netty.NettyClient: waitSomeRequests: Waiting for request 
(destTask=17, reqId=5032) - (reqId=5326,destAddr=host1:30017,elapsedNanos=..., 
 writeDone=true, writeSuccess=true)


I say this happens usually because the same giraph job does complete but only 
rarely.  I have a timeout of 100 minutes set, and the job is killed after that 
much time has elapsed.

Also, the started 
field in the above output in this past run reads: "Wed Jan 21 14:21:31 EST 
1970"  All machines are synchronized by a single time server and currently read 
accurate times.  I don't think it affected the execution, but it still seems 

I also don't see Hadoop maps having status messages set on them.  I see the 
GraphMapper giving the Context object to the GraphTaskManager instance, and I 
can see it calling "context.setStatus(...)" but those messages never show up in 
the map status column in
 the job tracker page.

Is there something I've missed while upgrading the old code?


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