Thank you,

It works with Hadoop 1.1.2 with the command you provided. Haven't fully tested though.

On 04/03/2013 05:03 PM, Eli Reisman wrote:
There's no reason we can't that I know. Try to build generic Giraph for 1.x hadoop like this:

mvn -Phadoop_1.0 clean verify

next, you might get lucky if the above failed you might try the same but including a Maven -D option to set the "hadoop.version" property to 1.1.2 (or hadoop-1.1.2, I forget) amd see if THAT builds.

If not, then you'd need to mirror the things in the "regular" hadoop_1.0 Maven profile in the top pom.xml, the giraph-core pom.xml and perhaps the giraph-examples pom.xml and tweak it from there (dependencies etc.) until it works. Look back at earlier version extensions (I added 2.0.3 recently) on our JIRA.

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