The Apache Giraph team is proud to announce our first release out of incubation. The release version is 1.0.0 to reflect a lot of hard work that went into making the code stable enough for production use, memory efficient, and performant.

Apache Giraph is an scalable and distributed iterative graph processing system that is inspired by BSP (bulk synchronous parallel) and Google's Pregel. Giraph distinguishes itself from those projects by being open-source, running on Hadoop infrastructure, and going beyond the Pregel model with features such as master computation, sharded aggregators, out-of-core support, no single point of failure design, and more.

Here are some highlights of the release:

* Scales out to hundreds of machines easily and hundreds of billions of edges (memory permitting) * Efficient use of memory via fast byte-based serialization by default and can use primitive specific types when better performance is required * Multithreaded input and computation can take advantage of multicore machines efficiently
* Simplified vertex API
* Vertex-based and/or edge-based input supported
* Master compute API for handling application-wide logic
* Sharded aggregators for handling large (memory) aggregators
* Easy access to/from Hive tables to integrate with your data warehouse
* Out-of-core graph and messaging support
* YARN support

For release details and download access, please visit:

Thanks so much to everyone for all their contributions. It is you who made this release possible! We've also been investing in updating our website as part of this release (, more documentation/updates will be coming in the near future. We expect that releases will happen more frequently in the future now that we are more familiar with the process.


The Apache Giraph team

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