
My name is Wei. I am trying to get started with Giraph. I am new to both
Hadoop and Giraph.

I have followed the "Quick Start" at
http://giraph.apache.org/quick_start.html and I am able to run the
SimpleShortestPathsComputation test. I intend to understand more about the
code by running some examples and observing the callstack etc.
I was trying to use JDB to start Hadoop with Giraph's
SimpleShortestPathsComputation and set up a break point at the compute()
method in SimpleShortestPathsComputation. However, the job is finished
(with the correct result produced)
without the breakpoint being triggered.

I have two questions:
(1) Could someone share some experience of using JDB to observe Giraph
run ?
(2) More generally,  is there some recommended way to develop/debug Giraph
code ? I managed to find one thread in the developer's mailing list :
titled "what is the recommended way to develop Giraph code with Eclipse or
other IDEs".  But I wasn't able to find any follow up information.

Any input/pointer is greatly appreciated!



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