You should try to utilize maximum of your RAM to map tasks. You can do that
by changing the parameters at mapred-site.xml file. add the below
statements to set 6.5 GB of RAM for map tasks
    <description>heap size for map tasks </description>

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Puneet Jain <>wrote:

> Hello:
> I have a graph of size 2B edges, 200M vertices. I am trying to compute
> pagerank of this graph. I have 10 node cluster, 8G memory.
> I am unable to run giraph job successfully. My question is more generic:
> 1. How should one choose right amount of heap space? .. is there a way of
> telling giraph job not to pick too much computation, if it can't handle in
> memory?
> 2. Does out-of-core message feature functions as expected ?
> --
> --Puneet

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