For that special case, I'm not sure if Giraph has anything specific. I was
looking for something similar, to "pipe" the graph through multiple
computations. I've found this - but
it didn't help me a lot. Maybe there is some other way for you.

When it comes to your specific problem, maybe you can have a look at my
SimpleHopsComputation (
It basically calculates the shortest hop count between several different
nodes (based on the input file). I'm sure with few tweaks you can use it
for your needs.


On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 4:17 PM, Jyoti Yadav <>wrote:

> Thanks Peter for your reply.
> I want to explain more about my problem..
> Suppose I want to implement SingleSourceShortestPath algo for some
> vertices.
> Then how i will proceed??How I will change Source_id once algo is
> completed for one vertex?
> Thanks
> Jyoti
> On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 7:56 PM, Peter Grman <> wrote:
>> Yes, you know which vertex you are and in which step you are, so if you
>> implement it correctly you can run during the first superstep some
>> computations on vertex(2) and in the second superstep on vertex(5)
>> You could simply ignore your compute function in the first superstep on
>> all vertices except vertex2 and in the end send out messages to those
>> vertices which should continue with the computation. You could also run
>> your compute function on only one vertex in each superstep, but then I'm
>> not quite sure why you would want to use giraph.
>> cheers
>> Peter
>> On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Jyoti Yadav 
>> <>wrote:
>>> Hi folks..
>>> I am trying to implement some graph algorithm .I want compute function
>>> to run for some selected number of vertices.
>>> For eg.
>>> first compute function run for vertex id=2,when its work is
>>> completed,then i want to run compute function for vertex id =5.
>>> Is it possible in giraph???
>>> Any ideas??
>>> With Regards
>>> Jyoti

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