hi Sebastian

thnx for the answer

I was giving a look to cassovary, but I'm losing hot to integrate it with
neo4j and/or hor to calculate paths with it.....Do you have any tips?


2014-03-26 11:31 GMT+01:00 Sebastian Schelter <ssc.o...@googlemail.com>:

> For such a small graph, using a single machine  graph processing system
> makes more sense imho. Should be faster and easier to program. Google for
> cassovary.
> Am 26.03.2014 10:12 schrieb "Angelo Immediata" <angelo...@gmail.com>:
> Hi there
>> In my project I have to implement a routing system with good performance;
>> at the beginning this system should be able in giving routes information
>> only for one italian region (Lombardia) but it could be used for the whole
>> Italy (or world....)
>> Let's stop to the Lombardia for now. By reading OSM files I can create my
>> own graph in the best format i can use it; then I need to use Dijkstra (or
>> any other algorithm) in order to propose to the user K possible paths from
>> point A to point B (K becouse i need to show to the customer also the
>> alternatives). I can't use Contraction Herarchy algorithm becouse I need to
>> take care of external events that can modify the weights on my built graph
>> and this implies that I should create the "contracted" graph once again and
>> this can be a very onerous operation
>> By my experimentations, I saw that by reading the Lombardia OSM file I
>> should create a graph with around 1 million of vertexes and 6 million of
>> edges and I was thinking to use Giraph to solve my issue (I saw this link
>> http://giraph.apache.org/intro.html where you talked about shortestpaths
>> problem
>> I have a couple of question for you giraph/hadoop gurus
>>    - does it make sense to use giraph for my scenario?
>>    - must i respect some graph format to pass to the giraph algorithm in
>>    order to have K shortest paths from point A to point B? If so....which
>>    format should I respect?
>>    - what would be perfomance by using giraph? I know that Dijstra
>>    algorithm problem is that it is slow.....by using giraph will I be able in
>>    improving its performances on very large graph?
>> I know these can seem very basic questions, but I'm pretty new to giraph
>> and I'm trying to understand it
>> Thank you
>> Angelo

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