  When I run a giraph program, it hangs there forever with output like:
14/04/02 10:16:43 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to
server compute-0-16.local/ Will not attempt to
authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
14/04/02 10:16:43 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Socket connection established
to compute-0-16.local/, initiating session
14/04/02 10:16:43 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session establishment complete
on server compute-0-16.local/, sessionid =
0x1452302cc870005, negotiated timeout = 600000
14/04/02 10:16:43 INFO job.JobProgressTracker: Data from 4 workers -
Compute superstep 0: 1000 out of 1000 vertices computed; 16 out of 16
partitions computed; min free memory on worker 0 - 179.86MB, average
14/04/02 10:16:44 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 100% reduce 0%
14/04/02 10:16:48 INFO job.JobProgressTracker: Data from 4 workers -
Compute superstep 0: 1000 out of 1000 vertices computed; 16 out of 16
partitions computed; min free memory on worker 0 - 179.86MB, average
14/04/02 10:16:53 INFO job.JobProgressTracker: Data from 4 workers -
Compute superstep 0: 1000 out of 1000 vertices computed; 16 out of 16
partitions computed; min free memory on worker 0 - 179.86MB, average
14/04/02 10:16:58 INFO job.JobProgressTracker: Data from 4 workers -
Compute superstep 0: 1000 out of 1000 vertices computed; 16 out of 16
partitions computed; min free memory on worker 0 - 179.86MB, average
14/04/02 10:17:03 INFO job.JobProgressTracker: Data from 4 workers -
Compute superstep 0: 1000 out of 1000 vertices computed; 16 out of 16
partitions computed; min free memory on worker 3 - 174.34MB, average 207.9MB
14/04/02 10:17:08 INFO job.JobProgressTracker: Data from 4 workers -
Compute superstep 0: 1000 out of 1000 vertices computed; 16 out of 16
partitions computed; min free memory on worker 3 - 174.34MB, average 207.9MB
14/04/02 10:17:13 INFO job.JobProgressTracker: Data from 4 workers -
Compute superstep 0: 1000 out of 1000 vertices computed; 16 out of 16
partitions computed; min free memory on worker 3 - 174.34MB, average 207.9MB

The input is only a common graph with 1000 lines and 800kB size. But the
program runs without problem for small graph and returns expected results.
What are the possible reasons? Thanks!

  Best Regards,

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