Hi Ghufran,

Have you verified the neighbors of each vertex actually exist? From your 
adjacency list, for example, 278447 278447 532613, is the neighbor’s vertex id 
532613 valid?


From: ghufran malik [mailto:ghufran1ma...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 9:22 AM
To: user@giraph.apache.org
Subject: Running ConnectedComponents in a cluster.

I have setup Giraph on my university cluster of computers (Giraph 
1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-for-hadoop-2.0.0-cdh4.3.1). I've successfully ran the connected 
components algorithm on a very small test dataset using 4 workers and it 
produced the expected output.


vertex id, vertex value, neighbours....

0 0 1
1 1 0 2 3
2 2 1 3
3 3 1 2
1    0
0    0
3    0
2    0

However when I tried to run this algorithm on a larger dataset (reformatted 
version of com-youtube.ungraph from Stanford snap to match the 
IntIntNullTextVertexInputFormat) it successfully complets but the incorrect 
output is produced. It seems to just output the vertex id with its orignal 
value (its vertex id is its original value that i set).
A snippet of the dataset is provided:
vertex id, vertex value, neighbours....
278447 278447 532613
278449 278449 305447 324115 414238
83899 83899 153460 172614 176613 211448
773749 773749 845366
773748 773748 960388
output produced:
73132    73132
831308    831308
199788    199788
763644    763644
300572    300572
there's not one vertex value that isn't the same as its original vertex ID.
The computation also stops after superstep 0 is done and goes no further, 
whereas on my smaller data set completes 3 supersteps.
Does anyone have an idea to why this is?
Kind regards,

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