The state of triplet A >C>B can be stored in the edge value for C (the edge 
from A -> B)I would like to remind you that Giraph is a batch processing 
framework, and not a graph database.You can do  complex graph processing on the 
input graph, such questions can be answered very trivially. But performance 
need not be great. You must write java code and run a map-reduce job.
For this case your compute function consists of just 1 superstepwhich filters 
edges for a vertex based on the criterion and then you can write the output 
back to one of the supported storage formats.

Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 16:32:44 -0700
Subject: Re: n-ary relationship on Giraph

Lets say I have node A and B, linked with edge C.Now I have properties which 
belongs to this A -> C -> B triplet. For example I have property 'date 
created'. 'date created' property belongs to A-> C-> B.Can I represent this in 
Giraph. Also does giraph has querying mechanism? So that I can retrieve 
triplets which are created before particular
 Sujan Perera
     On Wednesday, May 21, 2014 3:51 PM, Pavan Kumar A <> 

 Can you please provide more context.vertex -> edge (edge value can store any 
properties required of that edge) -> vertex (vertex value can store any 
property required for the vertex)Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 13:50:34 -0700From: 
sujanucsc@yahoo.comSubject: n-ary relationship on GiraphTo: 
 Giraph supports n-ary relationships? I need to store some properties of
 triplet vertex -> edge -> vertex and be able to query with those 
properties. Sujan Perera                                          


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