
There are two interfaces:
WorkerGraphPartitioner - Maps vertexes to partitions
MasterGraphPartitioner - Maps partitions to workers.
So you need custom MasterGraphPartitioner.
You dont need any external preprocessing step.


On 25.3.2015 19:51, Arjun Sharma wrote:

I understand we can override the GraphPartitionerFactory class in order to achieve custom partitioning of vertices over partitions. Is there a way to do the same to enable assigning partitions to workers in a custom way (e.g., partition n should be assigned to worker m)? The reason is that it is more beneficial to have partitions that are close to each other in terms of the graph structure placed close to each other on the same worker to minimize network traffic. Otherwise, benefits of overriding GraphPartitionerFactory may be lost. Let us assume that there is an external preprocessing step that outputs the desired assignment, so can we materialize that assignment over Giraph workers?


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