Thanks Claudio :) That’s exactly what I meant. Thanks for the hint!


Ing. Alessio Arleo

Dottorando in Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione

Dottore Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica e dell’Automazione
Dottore in Ingegneria Informatica ed Elettronica

Linkedin: <>
Skype: Ing. Alessio Arleo

Tel: +39 075 5853920
Cell: +39 349 0575782


> On 25 Mar 2015, at 18:25, Claudio Martella <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not sure aggregators require necessarily high traffic. Aggregators are 
> aggregated locally on the worker before they are aggregated on the 
> (corresponding) master worker.
> Anyway, assuming you want to proceed, my understanding is that you want 
> vertices on the same worker to share (aggregated) information. In that case, 
> I'd suggest just using a WorkerContext. 
> Hope this helps.
> Claudio
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 12:47 AM Alessio Arleo < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hello everybody
> I was wondering if it was possible to extend the concept of aggregator from a 
> “global” to a “local-only” perspective. 
> Normally, aggregators DO cause network traffic because of the cycle: Workers 
> -> Aggregator Owner-> MasterAggregator -> AggregatorOwner -> Workers
> What if I’d like to fetch and aggregate values as I would normally do with 
> aggregators but without causing this traffic? Let’s assume this situation:
> 1 - Define a custom partitioning class and let it partition the graph. This 
> is the partition used to assign vertices to workers. 
> 2 - in the computation class, every time che compute method is called on a 
> vertex, the data needed for computation is stored inside the vertex 
> neighbours but also in non-neighbouring vertices (think about Force Directed 
> layout algorithm for example; to compute the forces, is necessary the 
> distance between neighbouring and not-neighbouring vertices, applying 
> different kind of forces).
> — Given that the compute class is computing on vertex X
>       a - I pick information from X neighbours as I would normally do 
> (iterating its edges or the incoming messages)
>       b - When it comes to non-neighbouring vertices I would like to use data 
> from X worker only.
> The first thing I tried to understand before asking this question was: does 
> this make any sense? I am probably wrong, but this actually does. If I 
> partition my graph to maximize locality, what I am actually trying to do is 
> to reduce the network traffic as much as possibile. 
> My doubt is that if I use aggregators to achieve the result the network 
> traffic would be heavy, probably losing the advantages of the initial 
> partitioning. What if I could access and modify an aggregator-like local data 
> structure in the same fashion (i.e. “getAggregatedValue”) but without 
> broadcasting it (assuming that I do not need the aggregator to be accessible 
> to every worker)? Or could it be possibile to manually assign partition 
> owners in order to minimise network traffic (if I need to aggregate all 
> values from vertices in partition 3 and 3 only, I assign the partition 3 
> aggregator owner to partition 3 worker)?
> I hope in your comprehension and I hope I somehow caught your attention, even 
> if for a brief moment. Ask me if something is not clear ;)
> Cheers!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Ing. Alessio Arleo
> Dottorando in Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione
> Dottore Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica e dell’Automazione
> Dottore in Ingegneria Informatica ed Elettronica
> Linkedin: <>
> Skype: Ing. Alessio Arleo
> Tel: +39 075 5853920
> Cell: +39 349 0575782
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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