Hi all,

I am new to giraph. My goal is to set the edge weight as the average
of the degree of the 2 vertices.

My dataset follows a power lognormal distribution.

My algorithm is simple. In superstep 0 and 1 I am able to set the
degree of the vertices as their value.
In the next superstep i.e 2nd, I set the edge weight using
setEdgeValue(Target VertexID, Edge Weight).

Everything runs smoothly.

The problem is that it takes hours to compute on vertices with a
degree of the order 100,000. With vertices having degrees in millions,
it is taking too long.(by too long I mean 6 hours on a single vertex).

What should I do?

Should I improve my algorithm?


Is there some configuration in Giraph so that I can improve the
performance of the computation.


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