You might consider a map reduce job to do that work and run the Giraph job
on the final combined graph
On Sep 20, 2015 8:20 AM, "Cristian Vidal Silva" <> wrote:

> Dear.
> I want to read 2 Graphs A and B to combine them and produce a 3rd one
> which can be an extended version of A. So, I know how to read the 1st Graph
> A, but, How can I read the 2nd one?
> Greetings from Chile, and I wait for your comments.
> --
> Cristian Vidal Silva
> Computer Engineer
> Master in Computer Science, University of Concepcion - Chile
> Master of Science in Computer Science, Michigan State University, MI - USA
> Ph.D(c) in Software Engineering and Technology, University of Seville -
> Spain
> Chilean Fulbright Scholar

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