Hi Denis,

Thanks for bringing up the issue. In the previous conversation thread, the
similar problem is reported even with a simpler example connected component
calculation. Although, back then, we were developing other
performance-critical components of OOC.

Let's debug this issue together to make the new OOC more stable. I suspect
the problem is with "giraph.isStaticGraph=true" (as this is only an
optimization and most of our end-to-end testing was on cases where the
graph could change). Let's get rid of it for now and see if the problem
still exists.


On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 6:24 AM, Denis Dudinski <denis.dudin...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> We are trying to calculate PageRank on huge graph, which does not fit
> into memory. For calculation to succeed we tried to turn on OutOfCore
> feature of Giraph, but every launch we tried resulted in
> com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException: Buffer underflow.
> Each time it happens on different servers but exactly right after
> start of superstep 1.
> We are using Giraph 1.2.0 on hadoop 2.7.3 (our prod version, can't
> back-step to Giraph's officially supported version and had to patch
> Giraph a little) placed on 11 servers + 3 master servers (namenodes
> etc.) with separate ZooKeeper cluster deployment.
> Our launch command:
> hadoop jar /opt/giraph-1.2.0/pr-job-jar-with-dependencies.jar
> org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner com.prototype.di.pr.PageRankComputation
> \
> -mc com.prototype.di.pr.PageRankMasterCompute \
> -yj pr-job-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
> -vif com.belprime.di.pr.input.HBLongVertexInputFormat \
> -vof org.apache.giraph.io.formats.IdWithValueTextOutputFormat \
> -op /user/hadoop/output/pr_test \
> -w 10 \
> -c com.prototype.di.pr.PRDoubleCombiner \
> -wc com.prototype.di.pr.PageRankWorkerContext \
> -ca hbase.rootdir=hdfs://namenode1.webmeup.com:8020/hbase \
> -ca giraph.logLevel=info \
> -ca hbase.mapreduce.inputtable=di_test \
> -ca hbase.mapreduce.scan.columns=di:n \
> -ca hbase.defaults.for.version.skip=true \
> -ca hbase.table.row.textkey=false \
> -ca giraph.yarn.task.heap.mb=48000 \
> -ca giraph.isStaticGraph=true \
> -ca giraph.SplitMasterWorker=false \
> -ca giraph.oneToAllMsgSending=true \
> -ca giraph.metrics.enable=true \
> -ca giraph.jmap.histo.enable=true \
> -ca giraph.vertexIdClass=com.prototype.di.pr.DomainPartAwareLongWritable \
> -ca giraph.outgoingMessageValueClass=org.apache.hadoop.io.DoubleWritable \
> -ca giraph.inputOutEdgesClass=org.apache.giraph.edge.LongNullArrayEdges \
> -ca giraph.useOutOfCoreGraph=true \
> -ca giraph.waitForPerWorkerRequests=true \
> -ca giraph.maxNumberOfUnsentRequests=1000 \
> -ca giraph.vertexInputFilterClass=com.prototype.di.pr.input.
> PagesFromSameDomainLimiter
> \
> -ca giraph.useInputSplitLocality=true \
> -ca hbase.mapreduce.scan.cachedrows=10000 \
> -ca giraph.minPartitionsPerComputeThread=60 \
> -ca giraph.graphPartitionerFactoryClass=com.prototype.di.pr.
> DomainAwareGraphPartitionerFactory
> \
> -ca giraph.numInputThreads=1 \
> -ca giraph.inputSplitSamplePercent=20 \
> -ca giraph.pr.maxNeighborsPerVertex=50 \
> -ca giraph.partitionClass=org.apache.giraph.partition.ByteArrayPartition \
> -ca giraph.vertexClass=org.apache.giraph.graph.ByteValueVertex \
> -ca giraph.partitionsDirectory=/disk1/_bsp/_partitions,/disk2/
> _bsp/_partitions
> Logs excerpt:
> 16/11/06 15:47:15 INFO pr.PageRankWorkerContext: Pre superstep in worker
> context
> 16/11/06 15:47:15 INFO graph.GraphTaskManager: execute: 60 partitions
> to process with 1 compute thread(s), originally 1 thread(s) on
> superstep 1
> 16/11/06 15:47:15 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreEngine: startIteration: with 60
> partitions in memory and 1 active threads
> 16/11/06 15:47:15 INFO pr.PageRankComputation: Pre superstep1 in PR
> computation
> 16/11/06 15:47:15 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle: getNextIOActions:
> usedMemoryFraction = 0.75
> 16/11/06 15:47:16 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreEngine:
> updateActiveThreadsFraction: updating the number of active threads to
> 1
> 16/11/06 15:47:16 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle:
> updateRequestsCredit: updating the credit to 20
> 16/11/06 15:47:17 INFO graph.GraphTaskManager: installGCMonitoring:
> name = PS Scavenge, action = end of minor GC, cause = Allocation
> Failure, duration = 937ms
> 16/11/06 15:47:17 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle: getNextIOActions:
> usedMemoryFraction = 0.72
> 16/11/06 15:47:18 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle: getNextIOActions:
> usedMemoryFraction = 0.74
> 16/11/06 15:47:18 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreEngine:
> updateActiveThreadsFraction: updating the number of active threads to
> 1
> 16/11/06 15:47:18 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle:
> updateRequestsCredit: updating the credit to 20
> 16/11/06 15:47:19 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle: getNextIOActions:
> usedMemoryFraction = 0.76
> 16/11/06 15:47:19 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreEngine: doneProcessingPartition:
> processing partition 234 is done!
> 16/11/06 15:47:20 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle: getNextIOActions:
> usedMemoryFraction = 0.79
> 16/11/06 15:47:21 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreEngine:
> updateActiveThreadsFraction: updating the number of active threads to
> 1
> 16/11/06 15:47:21 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle:
> updateRequestsCredit: updating the credit to 18
> 16/11/06 15:47:21 INFO handler.RequestDecoder: decode: Server window
> metrics MBytes/sec received = 1.0994, MBytesReceived = 33.0459, ave
> received req MBytes = 0.0138, secs waited = 30.058
> 16/11/06 15:47:21 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle: getNextIOActions:
> usedMemoryFraction = 0.82
> 16/11/06 15:47:21 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreIOCallable: call: thread 0's next
> IO command is: StorePartitionIOCommand: (partitionId = 234)
> 16/11/06 15:47:21 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreIOCallable: call: thread 0's
> command StorePartitionIOCommand: (partitionId = 234) completed: bytes=
> 64419740, duration=351, bandwidth=175.03, bandwidth (excluding GC
> time)=175.03
> 16/11/06 15:47:21 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle: getNextIOActions:
> usedMemoryFraction = 0.83
> 16/11/06 15:47:21 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreIOCallable: call: thread 0's next
> IO command is: StoreIncomingMessageIOCommand: (partitionId = 234)
> 16/11/06 15:47:21 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreIOCallable: call: thread 0's
> command StoreIncomingMessageIOCommand: (partitionId = 234) completed:
> bytes= 0, duration=0, bandwidth=NaN, bandwidth (excluding GC time)=NaN
> 16/11/06 15:47:21 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle: getNextIOActions:
> usedMemoryFraction = 0.83
> 16/11/06 15:47:40 INFO graph.GraphTaskManager: installGCMonitoring:
> name = PS Scavenge, action = end of minor GC, cause = Allocation
> Failure, duration = 3107ms
> 16/11/06 15:47:40 INFO graph.GraphTaskManager: installGCMonitoring:
> name = PS MarkSweep, action = end of major GC, cause = Ergonomics,
> duration = 15064ms
> 16/11/06 15:47:40 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreEngine:
> updateActiveThreadsFraction: updating the number of active threads to
> 1
> 16/11/06 15:47:40 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle:
> updateRequestsCredit: updating the credit to 20
> 16/11/06 15:47:40 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle: getNextIOActions:
> usedMemoryFraction = 0.71
> 16/11/06 15:47:40 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreIOCallable: call: thread 0's next
> IO command is: LoadPartitionIOCommand: (partitionId = 234, superstep =
> 2)
> JMap histo dump at Sun Nov 06 15:47:41 CET 2016
> 16/11/06 15:47:41 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreEngine: doneProcessingPartition:
> processing partition 364 is done!
> 16/11/06 15:47:48 INFO ooc.OutOfCoreEngine:
> updateActiveThreadsFraction: updating the number of active threads to
> 1
> 16/11/06 15:47:48 INFO policy.ThresholdBasedOracle:
> updateRequestsCredit: updating the credit to 20
> --
> -- num     #instances         #bytes  class name
> -- ----------------------------------------------
> --   1:     224004229    10752202992
> java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node
> --   2:      19751666     6645730528  [B
> --   3:     222135985     5331263640
> com.belprime.di.pr.DomainPartAwareLongWritable
> --   4:     214686483     5152475592  org.apache.hadoop.io.DoubleWritable
> --   5:           353     4357261784
> [Ljava.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node;
> --   6:        486266      204484688  [I
> --   7:       6017652      192564864
> org.apache.giraph.utils.UnsafeByteArrayOutputStream
> --   8:       3986203      159448120
> org.apache.giraph.utils.UnsafeByteArrayInputStream
> --   9:       2064182      148621104  org.apache.giraph.graph.
> ByteValueVertex
> --  10:       2064182       82567280  org.apache.giraph.edge.
> ByteArrayEdges
> --  11:       1886875       45285000  java.lang.Integer
> --  12:        349409       30747992
> java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$TreeNode
> --  13:        916970       29343040  java.util.Collections$1
> --  14:        916971       22007304  java.util.Collections$SingletonSet
> --  15:         47270        3781600
> java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$TreeBin
> --  16:         26201        2590912  [C
> --  17:         34175        1367000
> org.apache.giraph.edge.ByteArrayEdges$ByteArrayEdgeIterator
> --  18:          6143        1067704  java.lang.Class
> --  19:         25953         830496  java.lang.String
> --  20:         34175         820200  org.apache.giraph.edge.EdgeNoValue
> --  21:          4488         703400  [Ljava.lang.Object;
> --  22:            70         395424  [Ljava.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
> --  23:          2052         328320  java.lang.reflect.Method
> --  24:          6600         316800
> org.apache.giraph.utils.ByteArrayVertexIdMessages
> --  25:          5781         277488  java.util.HashMap$Node
> --  26:          5651         271248  java.util.Hashtable$Entry
> --  27:          6604         211328
> org.apache.giraph.factories.DefaultMessageValueFactory
> 16/11/06 15:47:49 ERROR utils.LogStacktraceCallable: Execution of
> callable failed
> java.lang.RuntimeException: call: execution of IO command
> LoadPartitionIOCommand: (partitionId = 234, superstep = 2) failed!
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.OutOfCoreIOCallable.call(
> OutOfCoreIOCallable.java:115)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.OutOfCoreIOCallable.call(
> OutOfCoreIOCallable.java:36)
> at org.apache.giraph.utils.LogStacktraceCallable.call(
> LogStacktraceCallable.java:67)
> at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
> at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
> ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
> at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(
> ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
> Caused by: com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException: Buffer underflow.
> at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.Input.require(Input.java:199)
> at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.UnsafeInput.readLong(UnsafeInput.java:112)
> at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.KryoDataInput.readLong(
> KryoDataInput.java:91)
> at org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable.readFields(LongWritable.java:47)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.data.DiskBackedPartitionStore.readOutEdges(
> DiskBackedPartitionStore.java:245)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.data.DiskBackedPartitionStore.
> loadInMemoryPartitionData(DiskBackedPartitionStore.java:278)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.data.DiskBackedDataStore.loadPartitionDataProxy(
> DiskBackedDataStore.java:234)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.data.DiskBackedPartitionStore.loadPartitionData(
> DiskBackedPartitionStore.java:311)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.command.LoadPartitionIOCommand.execute(
> LoadPartitionIOCommand.java:66)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.OutOfCoreIOCallable.call(
> OutOfCoreIOCallable.java:99)
> ... 6 more
> 16/11/06 15:47:49 FATAL graph.GraphTaskManager: uncaughtException:
> OverrideExceptionHandler on thread ooc-io-0, msg = call: execution of
> IO command LoadPartitionIOCommand: (partitionId = 234, superstep = 2)
> failed!, exiting...
> java.lang.RuntimeException: call: execution of IO command
> LoadPartitionIOCommand: (partitionId = 234, superstep = 2) failed!
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.OutOfCoreIOCallable.call(
> OutOfCoreIOCallable.java:115)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.OutOfCoreIOCallable.call(
> OutOfCoreIOCallable.java:36)
> at org.apache.giraph.utils.LogStacktraceCallable.call(
> LogStacktraceCallable.java:67)
> at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
> at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
> ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
> at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(
> ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
> Caused by: com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException: Buffer underflow.
> at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.Input.require(Input.java:199)
> at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.UnsafeInput.readLong(UnsafeInput.java:112)
> at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.KryoDataInput.readLong(
> KryoDataInput.java:91)
> at org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable.readFields(LongWritable.java:47)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.data.DiskBackedPartitionStore.readOutEdges(
> DiskBackedPartitionStore.java:245)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.data.DiskBackedPartitionStore.
> loadInMemoryPartitionData(DiskBackedPartitionStore.java:278)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.data.DiskBackedDataStore.loadPartitionDataProxy(
> DiskBackedDataStore.java:234)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.data.DiskBackedPartitionStore.loadPartitionData(
> DiskBackedPartitionStore.java:311)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.command.LoadPartitionIOCommand.execute(
> LoadPartitionIOCommand.java:66)
> at org.apache.giraph.ooc.OutOfCoreIOCallable.call(
> OutOfCoreIOCallable.java:99)
> ... 6 more
> 16/11/06 15:47:49 ERROR worker.BspServiceWorker: unregisterHealth: Got
> failure, unregistering health on
> /_hadoopBsp/giraph_yarn_application_1478342673283_
> 0009/_applicationAttemptsDir/0/_superstepDir/1/_
> workerHealthyDir/datanode6.webmeup.com_5
> on superstep 1
> We looked into one thread
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/giraph-user/201607.mbox/%
> 3CCAECWHa3MOqubf8--wMVhzqOYwwZ0ZuP6_iiqTE_xT%
> 3DoLJAAPQw%40mail.gmail.com%3E
> but it is rather old and at that time the answer was "do not use it
> yet".
> (see reply http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/giraph-user/
> 201607.mbox/%3CCAH1LQfdbpbZuaKsu1b7TCwOzGMxi_vf9vYi6Xg_Bp8o43H7u%2Bw%
> 40mail.gmail.com%3E).
> Does it hold today? We would like to use new advanced adaptive OOC
> approach if possible...
> Thank you in advance, any help or hint would be really appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Denis Dudinski

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