Hi Panagioti,

This really help me. Thanks for your help!


2016-11-06 10:15 GMT+02:00 Panagiotis Liakos <p.lia...@di.uoa.gr>:

> Hi Xenia,
> The value in mapred-site.xml would be used in case you submitted the
> giraph job through hadoop, e.g., with hadoop jar
> With your code I believe all you need to set is the run configuration
> for this specific Java class.
> Through eclipse, right-click your java file, go to Run as -> Run
> configurations, click on the arguments tab and insert in the VM
> arguments the -Xmx4G option.
> I hope this helps.
> --Panagiotis
> 2016-11-05 20:28 GMT+02:00 Xenia Demetriou <xenia...@gmail.com>:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I execute my project from inside eclipse. Maybe this is the problem and
> this
> > value in mapred-site.xml didn't recognised?
> >
> > Basically I have a file with the following code in order to run my
> project
> > through eclipse.
> > public int run(String[] arg0) throws Exception{
> > ..
> >     giraphConf.setWorkerConfiguration(0, 1, 100.0f); //3rd
> > arg=minPercentResponded
> >     giraphConf.setLocalTestMode(true);
> >     giraphConf.USE_SUPERSTEP_COUNTERS.set(giraphConf, false);
> >
> >
> >     giraphConf.setMaxNumberOfSupersteps(4000);
> >     giraphConf.LOG_LEVEL.set(giraphConf, "error");
> >     giraphConf.SPLIT_MASTER_WORKER.set(giraphConf, false);
> >     giraphConf.USE_OUT_OF_CORE_GRAPH.set(giraphConf, true);
> >
> >     GiraphJob job= new GiraphJob(giraphConf,getClass().getName());
> >     //Set the Output path
> >    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job.getInternalJob(), new
> > Path(getOutputPath()));
> >
> >     job.run(true);
> >
> >     return 1;
> > }
> >    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
> >        ToolRunner.run(new GiraphAppRunner(), args);
> >    }
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Best,
> > Xenia
> >

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