I have to execute several *Giraph* process in *AWS*. For doing it, i have a
script that launch one process after another until all process are
finished. The problem is that some times, a container gets killed, and i
spent a lot of time waiting for the entire giraph app gets killed, so the
following can start. I'm trying to diminish this time, because i know that
a process that takes more than 5 minutes isn't going to be ended (i prefer
get a few giraph process being killed, if the maximum time for executing
all of them gets reduced significantly).

I already try putting a "maximum amount of time" with the following options
putting a really low value (1 milisecond):

   - *giraph.waitTaskDoneTimeoutMs* -> This option make the container throw
   an IllegalStateException but doens's stop the Giraph app from running. I
   know that this option have a bug
   but i hope that is not the case here.
   - *giraph.maxAllowedJobTimeMilliseconds* -> With LOG level in DEBUG, i
   couldn't see any impact of using this option.

But yet, i'm not getting the expected result, and i have Giraph
applications that take like 12000 seconds or more (a big waste of time,
resources and money).

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


*José Luis Larroque*
Analista Programador Universitario - Facultad de Informática - UNLP
Desarrollador Java  en LIFIA

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