Hi user,

As I said before, I am using the XSEDE comet cluster which has the following 

**Number of cores per node - 24**

**Memory per node  - 128 GB**

The file system is NFS, hence there is nothing like number of disks per 

I went through the previous discussions, but I could not get any clarity with 
respect to my current needs.

I followed this link,_*** 
 but still I got exception like this (found in the userlogs)

2017-02-16 20:50:19,002 **ERROR [main] yarn.GiraphYarnTask 
(GiraphYarnTask.java:main(187)) - GiraphYarnTask** threw a top-level exception, 
failing task

hu/elte/inf/mbalassi/msc/giraph/betweenness/BetweennessComputation : 
Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:800)

        at java.s

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