I'm using giraph-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT and hadoop-2.8.4 on Amazon EC2 cluster. My
cluster is composed by 4 t2.large machines each having 8 GB RAM and 2 cpus
(In future I'll have to use 20 c3.8xlarge machines, each having 60 GB RAM
and 32 CPU).
I'm blocked on this problem: "Giraph's estimated cluster heap xxxxMBs ask
is greater than the current available cluster heap of 0MB. Aborting Job". I
red this previous post
but I didn't understand what caused the problem in my case since I have
configured yarn.resourcemanager.hostname (see below) and my security group
is open to all traffic. Maybe I miss some settings (or some ports)?

Furthermore, I have following questions:
- Since Giraph doesn't use reduce but only map, is it correct to assign
less memory to mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb than the memory assigned to
mapreduce.map.memory.mb? Maybe it could be right to assign even 0 MBs to
mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb since giraph doesn't use reduce?
- I red http://giraph.apache.org/quick_start.html that
mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum and mapred.map.tasks must be set to 4
since "by default hadoop allows 2 mappers to run at once. Giraph's code,
however, assumes that we can run 4 mappers at the same time." Hence 4 value
must be always set to these properties?

This is my configuration. I reported only mapred-site.xml and yarn-site.xml
because on others hadoop configuration files I'm quite sure that they are





Francesco Sclano

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