Hi Renato,
If you guys r happy with the staging site (which I doubt as I ported the
code so there will likely be areas which require attention) we simple
update the Jira ticket and Joe will push it live.
You can search for Apache CMS and see how the new site will work.
I will remove the current website documentation and replace it with the new
content once we go live.

On Monday, May 6, 2013, Renato Marroquín Mogrovejo <
renatoj.marroq...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hopefully they can get our actual site less painfully to update.
> So what is next to make it our default one?
> Renato M.
> 2013/5/6 Lewis John Mcgibbney <lewis.mcgibb...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi All,
>> We' re one step closer to pushing with the new Apache CMS backed Gora
>> and documentation.
>> It can be viewed at http://gora.staging.apache.org
>> I would like to thank Renato (and INFRA) for being persistent with this
>> making it possible.
>> I would ask for all discrepancies e.g. content, presentation, etc. to be
>> reported to dev@ list and we can deal with it there before pushing it
>> Thank you so much
>> Lewis
>> --
>> Lewis


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