Good Afternoon Everyone,

The Apache Gora team are proud to announce the release of Gora 0.3.
The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and
persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key
value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with
extensive Apache Hadoop™ MapReduce support. Gora uses the Apache Software
License v2.0.

This point release offers users significant improvements to a number of
modules including a number of bug fixes, however of significant interest to
the DynamoDB community will be the addition of a gora-dynamodb datastore
for mapping and persisting objects to Amazon's DynamoDB [0]. Additionally
the release includes various improvements to the gora-core module and a new
Web Services API implementation which enables users to extend Gora to any
cloud storage platform. A full list of changes in this release can be seen
here [1].

You can grab the maven release artifacts from Maven Central and can also
get the Gora sources from our download page [2]

A full PMC announcement can be seen in our news feed here [3].

Thank you have a great week.
Kind Regards
(on behalf of the Apache Gora project and community)


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