"Models can be specified using annotated Java, XML documents, or modeling
tools like Rational Rose, then imported into EMF. "

I am past the import phase.  My EMF model has been generated as a set of
java classes.  For purposes of this discussion, imagine we have a java
bean. As I understand it, Gora would have me write some json  and use it or
generate yet another class that then can be mapped into Accumulo.  I gather
I would then have to write some code to pump data from my EMF object into
the Accoumulo object.

I think I am answering my own question.  Gora is creating work not saving
it owing entirely to my situation.  No doubt it works well for others.

To wit:

**EMF generated class snippet:

public interface CDAInstance extends EObject {

String getDocumentId();

void setDocumentId(String value);

...more getters and setters...

**JSON required by avro snippet


    "type": "record",

    "name": "CDAInstance",

    "namespace": "iop.storet",

    "fields": [

        {"name": "documentId", "type": "string"},

...more fields...



** Class generated by Gora snippet

public class CDAInstance extends PersistentBase {

  public static final Schema _SCHEMA = Schema.parse

  public static enum Field {


...more fields...

**Some pump code

put(Field.DOCUMENT_ID, emf.getDocumentID(*));*
...More Fields...

Thanks, I did get my question answered.

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 6:13 PM, Renato Marroquín Mogrovejo <
renatoj.marroq...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Geoffry,
> 2014-03-27 21:09 GMT+01:00 Geoffry Roberts <threadedb...@gmail.com>:
>> All,
>> I am trying out Gora/Accumulo.  My question is this:  Is Gora right the
>> tool for me?
> This is kinda philosophical question at least IMHO. You can always tweak
> tools to make them work for what you need. Of course, Gora has some use
> cases where the use of it suits better and some others that you might want
> to try something else.
>> I need to persist existing java objects all of which are based on, and
>> generated with EMF (eclipse Modeling Framework).  It would appear that with
>> Gora I am generating these classes all over again in order to store them
>> into Accuulo.  Must I do this?  Is there a way to store an existing object?
> So the same question as Lewis I guess, maybe if you could explain to us a
> little bit about what you are exactly trying to do, then we would be able
> to provide better feedback.
>  Quoting EMF page:
> "Models can be specified using annotated Java, XML documents, or modeling
> tools like Rational Rose, then imported into EMF. "
> In Gora we need two files, a JSON file to create our data schema, and an
> XML mapping file which will tell Gora how it should map this schema into
> the datastore. Are you trying to do the "Models" part? Maybe you could some
> sort of mapping between whatever you model is into these files needed by
> Gora, and then wait as much as you can for actually generating Java classes.
> Renato M.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> --
>> There are ways and there are ways,
>> Geoffry Roberts

There are ways and there are ways,

Geoffry Roberts

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