Hi ilhami,

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 5:37 AM, ilhami Kalkan <ilhami.kal...@intellica.net>

> Hi all,
> I'm new to Gora.


> I want to insert datas to cassandra with gora. I have successfully saved
> datas to db but about 1 minute they are removed from db. Do you know why? I
> add my source codes below
You're code is absolutely fine. The 'problem' is with your mapping settings
in gora-cassandra-mapping.xml. Please see the documentation [0],
specifically relating to the values for 'gc_grace_seconds' and also 'ttl'.
If you have some other problems then please write here and we will help you
out on this one.

[0] http://gora.apache.org/current/gora-cassandra.html

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