Hi Lewis,

Thanks for inform me. OK I will remote those issues GSoC2015. Do you
want to add any issue for GSoC 2015 ?


2015-03-16 13:04 GMT+02:00 Lewis John Mcgibbney <lewis.mcgibb...@gmail.com>:
> Nice Talat.
> If you take a look at mY Github branch you will see that the
> CassandraStore#getPartitions is nearly finished
> https://github.com/lewismc/gora/tree/GORA-267
> Renato probably also has the branch for the pluggable client architecture
> for Gora-cassandra.
> The Spark backend looks pretty damn cool.
> Lewis
> On Monday, March 16, 2015, Talat Uyarer <ta...@uyarer.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Possible I can interested in Gora issues for GSoC 2015 I marked them:
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20GORA%20AND%20labels%20%3D%20gsoc2015
>> If you want to add something please mark them with gsoc2015 label
>> --
>> Talat UYARER
> --
> Lewis

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