Hello everyone,

I have decided to create a poll on Apache Gora usage to answer 3 questions
that will be much useful to prioritize new features to implement in some
ongoing developments. Two of them are related to the related to the Ignite
backend being developed and the other one is related to a visual tool for
accessing data.
Answer the questions may take at most 3 minutes.

The answers can be sent to my email alfonsonishik...@apache.org or the one
in the 'from' of this one to not spam everyone. I will create a summary
Please, send the answers before (including) the 4th of July.

* Questions related to Ignite backend under development:

1 - ¿Do you use any schema with 3-union fields?
    For example "type: ['null', 'integer', 'string']"

2 - ¿Do you use composite keys? (HBase does not support it, but other
backends do)

* Questions related to https://www.goraexplorer.com (admin:admin)
(please, don't destroy the application, I have to use it this 3rd of july
as a degree project ;P)

3 - What backends do you use with Apache Gora?

Thanks in advance to all participants.


Alfonso Nishikawa

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